Bravo Billing Analysis: Effective Hourly Rate 6-Apr-06
For salary employees, the hourly wage reflects the actual earning rate. For professionals working on time and materials basis, there's an enormous gap between the billing rates and actual earning rates. By the time such things as: clock time waiver, dilution factor* and overhead ** are factored in, the final "effective rate" is only a tiny fraction of the billing rate.
Avg billing rate   40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
clock waiver 25%    0.75  $    30.00  $    37.50  $    41.25  $    45.00  $    52.50  $    60.00  $    67.50  $    75.00
billable ratio 4:1    0.25  $      7.50  $      9.38  $    10.31  $    11.25  $    13.13  $    15.00  $    16.88  $    18.75
overhead 20%    0.80  $      6.00  $      7.50  $      8.25  $      9.00  $    10.50  $    12.00  $    13.50  $    15.00
Avg billing rate   40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
clock waiver 15%    0.85  $    34.00  $    42.50  $    46.75  $    51.00  $    59.50  $    68.00  $    76.50  $    85.00
billable ratio 3.5:1    0.29  $      9.71  $    12.14  $    13.36  $    14.57  $    17.00  $    19.43  $    21.86  $    24.29
overhead 20%    0.80  $      7.77  $      9.71  $    10.69  $    11.66  $    13.60  $    15.54  $    17.49  $    19.43
Avg billing rate   40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
clock waiver 10%    0.90  $    36.00  $    45.00  $    49.50  $    54.00  $    63.00  $    72.00  $    81.00  $    90.00
billable ratio 3:1    0.33  $    12.00  $    15.00  $    16.50  $    18.00  $    21.00  $    24.00  $    27.00  $    30.00
overhead 20%    0.80  $      9.60  $    12.00  $    13.20  $    14.40  $    16.80  $    19.20  $    21.60  $    24.00
Avg billing rate   40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
clock waiver 5%    0.95  $    38.00  $    47.50  $    52.25  $    57.00  $    66.50  $    76.00  $    85.50  $    95.00
billable ratio 2.5:1    0.40  $    15.20  $    19.00  $    20.90  $    22.80  $    26.60  $    30.40  $    34.20  $    38.00
overhead 20%    0.80  $    12.16  $    15.20  $    16.72  $    18.24  $    21.28  $    24.32  $    27.36  $    30.40
Avg billing rate   40 50 55 60 70 80 90 100
clock waiver 0%    1.00  $    40.00  $    50.00  $    55.00  $    60.00  $    70.00  $    80.00  $    90.00  $  100.00
billable ratio 2:1    0.50  $    20.00  $    25.00  $    27.50  $    30.00  $    35.00  $    40.00  $    45.00  $    50.00
overhead 20%    0.80  $    16.00  $    20.00  $    22.00  $    24.00  $    28.00  $    32.00  $    36.00  $    40.00
Client Tier Hourly 40-hour work week 60-hour work week 80-hour work week
Rate Weekly Annual Weekly Annual Weekly Annual
Legacy/Pro Bono Clients    7.50  $       300  $  15,000  $       450  $  22,500  $       600  $  30,000
Entry-Level Clients   10.00  $       400  $  20,000  $       600  $  30,000  $       800  $  40,000
Mainstream Clients   15.00  $       600  $  30,000  $       900  $  45,000  $    1,200  $  60,000
Top Tier Clients   20.00  $       800  $  40,000  $    1,200  $  60,000  $    1,600  $  80,000
Near-term Goal   25.00  $    1,000  $  50,000  $    1,500  $  75,000  $    2,000  $ 100,000
Medium-term Goal   32.00  $    1,280  $  64,000  $    1,920  $  96,000  $    2,560  $ 128,000
*Dilution Factor: Also known as billable ratio. 3:1 means for every 3 hours of actual work (including behind-the-scene preparation, research, administrative tasks, etc.), there's 1 hour of billing. In the IT industry, that ranges from 2.5:1 to 4.5:1.
**Overhead: Office rent, repair and upkeeping, furniture. Staffing and contracted help. Office supplies. Energy & utilities costs. Equipment and apparatus. Software licenses. Subscriptions and guild membership. Support contract fees to vendors. Training,  education & certification/authorization. Transportation, communications, freight and other Logistical expenses.