Bravo Notes on Domain Status  Last Updated  June 15, 2019

Topics: entities involved | domain status | whois contacts (published email)
Recent GDPR implications affected policies & procedures of various entities.

STATUS (see ICANN chart for full list and details)
annotation in RED: Bravo Technology Center's interpretation, not ICANN's original legal language
Whois Contacts:
  1. Registrant (legal matters, ownership, external identity)
  2. Admin (special authorization, renewal, termination)
  3. Tech (on-going DNS record management, NS pointing, SOA/zone xfer, TTL, etc.)
  4. [Billing] hidden in recent years—irrelevant: historically, registrars never really used it. Instead, they correspond via account profile email address, for all matters: informational, warnings/notices, billing, etc.
Whois public database lookup

Transfer to New Registrar/Agent, Same Registrant
The process and entities involved, thier roles & power/limits...

Registrant, self OR via agent
(so-called "Owner")

Registrar (new)


Registrar (old)
verify, approve, release
per ICANN 2015 policy  Caution:
 Untimely change of records
triggers mandatory freeze period... ensuing failure
leading to delays & complications.

(self OR via agent)
generate & furnish "auth-code" 
+ unlock ALL


Bravotech Memos: Auth & Comm / Ext Acct access || Info || Go! || Mach 4