From the desk of: Sam C. Chan

B.E.S.T. Support Document Notations

April 15, 2001

Bravo Elite Service Team (B.E.S.T.) is the small network of consultants/resellers we rely on as virtual staff to support clients in the event I'm personally not available due to scheduling conflicts, sickness or other reasons. This memo refers to the shorthand notations used in our internal support documents. Often, excerpts of those documents are provided to end-user clients in the course of our work. Here's a small "declassified" subset of reference keys for the general client-base.

We favor terse codes and keywords in hierarchical bullets, rather than verbose narrative in paragraphs. The former is effective and convey directly. The latter buries key points, takes longer to read & comprehend, hides the structure of content, and hinders on-the-fly rendering into language & details level catered to specific clients.

B.E.S.T. Notations are designed to be unambiguous, flexible, light weight (both in terms of document storage size, and tools required to view/edit), supports all required areas and scenarios, and is compatible with delivery via text/web/IM/voice.

User Interface Elements Mouse Operations
{Tab} (click on the tab)
[Button(click on the button)
[X] checkbox  [x] = checked, [ ] = unchecked
(*) radio button 
click (C)
double-click (DC)
right-click (RC)
drag (D)
right-drag (RD)
  • Menu: Tools | oPtions | file Locations (Menu sequences are separated by |)
  • Properties of object: Prop(object)  (Right-click on object, then select Properties)
  • Expand branch in tree: +Category Name (Click on "+" to expand "category name")
Common Programs   Common Source Locations
AD: Active Directory Users and Computers
ACL: access control list
LSP: Local Security Policy (MMC)
TSC: Teminal Services Configuration
TSM: Teminal Services Manager
REG: regedit.exe
  BDL: Bravo Download Center
_BRAVO: \lib\_bravo on AUXI drive
SYS: \sys folder on AUXI drive
TOOLS: \sys\tools on AUXI drive
Profile: c:\documents and settings   c:\users
Types of Support Document/Material
BP Best Practices
CL Checklist
CR Command Reference
DL Download
HT How To
KB Knowledgebase
RK Resource Kit
RL Reference Library
SC Solution Center
TC Technical Center
TL Technical Library
TR Technical Resources
TS Troubleshoot
WC Webcast
FAQ Product-Specific FAQs


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