Vista Adoption Decision
January 3, 2007
This document outlines some of the criteria for
considering whether to adopt Windows Vista now, or to stay with Windows
XP for a while. Schedule appointments to discuss details or for further
clarifications. What you need to know about the Vista
- not a question of if, but a question of when
- there are numerous compelling features & benefits
- better manageability for IT
- improved security
- ergonomic enhancement & pleasant experience
- new features, making possible foregoing of some 3rd-party
- eventually, it'd be a mandatory standard platform, required
by applications
- it's about justification of cost & efforts vs. benefits
(tangible and intangible)
- costs are significantly beyond licensing fees (labor, training &
memory upgrades)
- the keys are coordination & optimization
- Vista works fine on current generation (3-year old) basic
- must first clear the
compatibility/support step
- mixed environment of XP and Vista is a perfectly viable option
- upgrading of existing stations is feasible but not worthwhile
for most sites
- in-place upgrade for problem-free stations only, fresh install
for all other upgrades
- for licensing customers of Microsoft: all new systems should be
acquired with Vista, exercise legal downgrade rights if deferral is
dictated by your IT policy, upgrade cycle or vendors' limitations.
Vista decision (timeline) should be driven by:
- specific features that solve specific problems for you
- compatibility/support risks
- expected remaining life span of workstations
- your overall IT objectives, policies and upgrade cycle
- your strategic directions on mission-critical applications (MCA)
- your MCA vendors' compatibility timeline, upgrade cycles and support policies
- your licensing agreement expiration/renewal dates
- seasonal scheduling considerations (your firm's workload & our
- other relevant facts & merits
Give no considerations to:
- coolness (or fall prey to "techno lust") or other emotional
- peer pressure & myths on the street (or in the press, same
- fear of "problem" as early adopter, which is a myth stemming
from ignorance
- incorrect assumption that top-of-the-line hardware is required
- upgrade for upgrade's sake, just to "keep up" with the
- flawed logic and conventional wisdom
- flawed ideology
See Also: