Basic Business System Configuration

by Sam C. Chan

Last update: 3/1/05

. . . follow these simple guidelines to avoid waste,
suffer from lacking crucial functionalities,
and incurring needless troubleshooting expenses.

Must Have:

Processor: Celeron 2.4 GHz to Pentium IV 3.2 GHz
Memory: 512M
Hard Drive: 80G - 200G
Removable: DVD±RW Writer*
O.S.: XP Pro (very important for network operations)
Display: 17" or 19" CRT/LCD  (compare)
Software: Office 2003 SBE/Standard/Pro

Of course, NIC from major vendors (Intel, Realtek, Broadcom or 3Com) is required. That's standard equipment these days. Might also need to add CALs to server(s). any specific requirements  you might have 

Things to Avoid:

  • free printers
  • consumer anti-virus
  • all-inclusive security software
  • maintenance packages
  • accessories that sound/look good

* DVD±RW drives are currently only $30 over CD-RW price. Therefore, it's short-sighted to settle for CD-RW. CD-ROM drives are only $10 less than CD-RW so it's not worth the savings. Of course, for fleet purchases, you don't need a writer on each station.


See also:

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